...an easy 3 dimensional table runner
You will need:
Bottle Brush Trees—we like odd numbers best—all the same size or varying sizes for contrast
A length of 1 x 2—for your base—it can be longer it can be shorter depending on where you will be placing your display (windowsill, fireplace mantel, or shelf top ledge). You may also wish to consider a different shape—perhaps a vintage wooden lazy susan that you can paint.
Glue or extra strength glue dots
Acrylic Paint
Foam brush
Cupcake liners
Paint your piece of 1 x 2—this will be your base. Allow to dry.
Paint the base of your bottle brush trees, if desired.
To make painting the tree bases easier, make a little tree skirt out of a paper cupcake liner, so you do not get paint on the tree branches.
Allow all to dry. Once your wood base and trees have dried you can begin positioning your trees. You can space them equally or do random clusters along the wood base. Adhere your trees into place & set aside to allow the glue (if using) to dry. If using glue, consider that you will have to store the wood base and your trees upright on the base. If you choose the glue dots, it will allow you to remove the trees for storage—and leave visible marks for positioning the trees the next time it is displayed. This looks great on a mantel, a window sill, or on a book shelf.